Terms of Use

Effective Date: August 1, 2024

Welcome to HATWADA! By accessing or using our platform, you agree to these Terms of Use. Please read them carefully.

Acceptance of Terms

By using HATWADA you agree to these. If you don’t, don’t use the platform.

Account Responsibilities

1. You must provide real info when signing up.

2. You’re responsible for keeping your account and password safe.

You won’t:

1. Post illegal, harmful, or misleading content.

2. Violate third-party rights or intellectual property.

3. Harass, defame, or discriminate against others.

4. Use automated tools for data scraping or posting.

5. Post spam or unsolicited ads.

Content Ownership

You own the content you post but grant HATWADA permission to use, display, and distribute your content.

Don’t post content you don’t own or have permission to use.

Transactions and User Responsibilities

HATWADA provides a platform for users to post classified ads and respond to them. However, any transaction, agreement, or exchange of services, amounts, or policies between buyers and sellers is solely between the parties involved. HATWADA takes no responsibility for such transactions.

Third-Party Links and Communications

If a seller provides links to third-party sites or phone numbers for further communication, it is up to the buyer and seller's discretion to interact with these third parties. HATWADA shall not be responsible for any transactions, problems, or losses arising from interaction with third-party sites or contacts. Buyers and Sellers are advised to exercise caution and due diligence when dealing with third-party communications or services.

Paid Services

1. Some parts of HATWADA are paid.

2. Payment is required for Featured Ads and Boost to the Top.

3. All fees are non-refundable once paid.


We can suspend or terminate your access if you breach these Terms or engage in illegal activities.

Limitation of Liability

HATWADA is not responsible for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from use of the platform.


HATWADA is not responsible for any loss, damage, or harm resulting from any transactions or interactions conducted outside of the HATWADA Platform. Users are responsible for their own actions and must resolve any dispute or issue directly with the other party involved.

Terms of Use

We may change these Terms at any time. Changes will be updated here.




If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please get in touch with us at support@hatwada.com.